Shofu ZilMaster Adjustment Kit CA Shank

01274 88 10 44
The new ZiLMaster three-step polishing system is designed specifically for zirconia and lithium disilicate restorations. The diamond-impregnated instruments smoothen, remove surface scratches made during contouring, and easily and gently polish the restorations to a high gloss.
The ZiLMaster polishers are available in seven shapes (for HP or CA shank) and in grits ranging from coarse to extra-fine – for extra and intraoral use.
Adjustment Kit Contains: Dura-Green DIA: 1 each FL3, RD3. ZiLMaster Coarse: 1 each minipoint, knife, cup. ZiLMaster Medium: 1 each minipoint, knife, cup. ZiLMaster fine: 1 each minipoint, knife, cup.
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