BurButler - For An Extra Helping Hand!
A BurButler is an extra pair of hands, just when you need them!
Developed by a dentist, BurButlers keep burs neat & tidy. They come in different colours and help you organise how to store burs or to better prepare for procedures.
Made from medical grade silicone, they are suitable for dentists, hygienists and technicians in every dental practice, dental laboratory and dental hospital. They are different to all other bur holders in that each and every one “grips” the burs whatever the size of the shank.
They require little pressure to safely secure and remove them and the grip is so reliable, they don't dislodge during washing, even in a washer-disinfector or when dropped!
Available in Hot Pink, Orange, Blue, White & Violet, BurButlers are simple, durable, flexible and elegant in design. They are also very effective and you will soon wonder how you ever managed without them!